Size: M
Always comfortable, whether in the full-face or jet position, the EVO-GT is the latest addition to the EVO concept. This new generation modular benefits from the patented Auto-up & Auto-down shortcut system, which allows the screen to automatically rise when the chin bar is adjusted. Equipped with a Class 1 optical screen, it offers incomparable quality of vision. The EVO-GT is equipped with the “V-Tech Locking System” which allows optimised locking of the chin bar for increased safety and ergonomics.
Tip: rasklopna, integralna, jet kaciga
Kvalifikacija proizvođača: gradska, putna, sport touring
Vezica: brzi patent
Težina: 1650 gr.
Veličina: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL (samo mat crna i siva)
Boje: Crna, Bijela, Nardo siva, Crna mat, Siva mat, Electric blue mat, Encke,
Školjka: policarbonat/aramid
Unutrašnjost Bamboo-treated, skidajuća i periva
Ostale karakteristike: Dvostruka homologacija (integralna i jet), Pinlock, veliki unutrašnji vizir, priprema za Bluetooth, automatsko podizanje vizira prilikom spuštanja brade, sistem protiv buke, hermetičnost, aerodinamičnost, V-TECH sistem zaključavanja brade, Class 1 optical vizir, obrazine u 2 dimenzije
Kat.br. HE8912E B06-M